Download csr bluesuite 2.5.8
Download csr bluesuite 2.5.8

download csr bluesuite 2.5.8
  1. #Download csr bluesuite 2.5.8 software
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The BlueTunes Configuration Tool seems to not correctly modify the PS keys when you output to a file, so I won't even try using it to write to my device.

#Download csr bluesuite 2.5.8 download

Thanks for the tip! I was able to download BlueTunes Configuration Tool 2.1.6 and BlueLab xIDE 4.1. Sounds like mission, but it could all work out! If its a different foot print, looks like you'll either have to bodge it, or. Hopefully the headset will use the default pin mapping for control buttons and LED's. Given you removed an 8670 from a module, if the EEPROM footprint is the same on your headset. Good call on checking the output from its internal 1.8V regs. If none is detected, these things remain in standby. No insulting your skills here! -Different ROM mask, one that expects an external EEPROM to have settings. So I suspect the reason it isn't up and working is one/some/all of the following: -Not all connections soldered, a real possibility with BGA rework. if you have traced out the PCB to those PIO's then you can set them in the 'headset configuration utility' that is kicking about the web.

#Download csr bluesuite 2.5.8 free

whilst there are 'standard' profile setups for these things (like 3 button headphones, 5 button headphones, single button hands free etc.) your headset could have a completely custom setup, with specific PIO's used. (I have an Arduino sketch for reading a dump somewhere.). I can provide a hex file for the EEPROMs I have on my modules. but as you have to solder on an EEPROM anyway, you might be able to program that first, them solder it on. Now, if you can find any test pads for config (might not be any as it seems the device has no EEPROM, and so, won't require configuration) you could use your programmer. Any new device (8670) you'll solder on there will most likely expect an EEPROM - as all the 'modules' on ebay have them on board. As there is a footprint for an EEPROM, there is hope. I don't think you have much hope of recovering the original 'settings', as they would be permanently in the ROM mask. This may or may not be a deal breaker because it means the 8670's available on ebay and the like will have a different ROM mask/version to the one you are replacing. The lack of EEPROM on there leads me to think its a custom ROM for that particular headset/product.

download csr bluesuite 2.5.8

Hopefully there will be test pads on the original unit for the SPI connections. I may need to make a little PCB with Eagle, or perhaps try to solder some magnet wire onto the chip's SPI pads. I have just downloaded BlueSuite 2.6.8 and purchased a Chinese CSR USB-SPI programmer on ebay, so I guess this project will be on hold for a few weeks now With the original 8670 module off the board now, I am sure it is going to be a real treat trying to download config data off of it. That dilemma is what brought me to this thread. I am assuming that the problem is that I still need to migrate config data over from the old chip, which probably includes programmable input/output (PIO) settings for the buttons and LEDs, and other configuration settings. After installing the new 8670 module, I have confirmed that all of the power rails supplied by the internal regulators are putting out good voltages, yet I cannot make the headset function. While it was off, thanks to the 8670 datasheet, I was able to map out all of the traces and make a spreadsheet that correlates the BGA pads to the 34 test points located throughout the board. I did successfully remove and replace the 8670 module with hot air and lots of Kapton tape on the surrounding little components so they wouldn't be disturbed. The design of the PCB includes a location for an EEPROM, but it is not populated so I am guessing it used in some of BlueParrott's other headset models. Thanks Buriedcode! For this particular headset (BlueParrott B350-XT) there is only one chip/module, the CSR8670, in a 112 pad BGA package. Thanks eevblog, this was a great first experience on the forum!!! -Denny

#Download csr bluesuite 2.5.8 software

Here's a quick recap of what I did to obtain the BlueSuite software, for others that may be in the same dilemma: 1) Register at - you will get grief from the website for using your personal email address vice business email, but you can ignore this 2) Wait for account approval - this took about an hour for me - you will get an email with your account approval and password 3) To download Bluesuite: If you need an older version of the software (Windows Vista, XP, 32-bit, etc.), go to I will get this software installed and use PSTools to migrate the config data from old CSR8670 chip to new.

#Download csr bluesuite 2.5.8 series

I did a Youtube search for CSR8670, but silly me, I did not expand the search to include other chips in the series - Lesson Learned! The video you shared has provided me with everything I need.

Download csr bluesuite 2.5.8